Saturday, March 6, 2010

Online Tools

Here are some tools we'll be using/discussing: - for idea brainstorming or analysis
How To...bubblus.doc
PBworks - for storyboarding in this workshop - also for stories themselves, especially collaborative work and peer editing
How To...PBworks.doc
Storyboard in PBworks
Picnik - for photo editing and "decorating"
How To...Picnik.doc
VoiceThread  - for combining photos with text, audio, and video comments
Lots of examples of how people are using VT for education
Yodio-Not a fan of voicethread but want to have students narrate their pictures? Try this tool.
Glogster-story in a poster. Check out the educators version
How To...Glogster.doc
Dipity-for chronological stories, this one puts events along a timeline.


Assessment Tools & Information

RubiStar - for creating rubrics
General Storytelling

Traditional Storytelling Handouts

Story mapping handout (pdf from Jason Ohler website)
          Example storyboard in Word

Additional Tools to Use to Create Stories

    - Webspiration - like, but more options including the click to make an outline
    - Voki - the create your own avatar and add your voice thing - lots of fun!!
    - put the story in PowerPoint or Google docs Slide presentation  if a group - text and audio
    - create an oral narrative with CLEAR's podcast tool called Broadcast (no graphics)
    - still our favorite! PhotoStory 3 (installation required/PC only) and post to YouTube
    - iMovie (Mac) or MovieMaker (PC) - both are free, require installation if not on the computer already
    - Chinswing - similar to VoiceThread, but no graphics, just a chain of oral responses
    - StoryTop - drag and drop clip art to make a comic-like story
    - Vuvox Collage - "This dynamic media creation suite enables everyone to easily turn their photos, videos, text and audio clips into interactive stories."
    - Google MyMaps - create personalized, annotated maps with placemarks, lines and shapes; add descriptive text, embed photos and videos

Many other online tools

       CogDogRoo -
       Suggested tools for elementary students -

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