Saturday, March 6, 2010

More about Technology by Johnshoy at CARLA

My new Wiki:

Marlene Johnshoy
CARLA - Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition
University of Minnesota

IALLT - International Association for Language Learning and Technology
CALICO - Computer assisted language instruction consortium
ISTE - K-12 general technology - lots of good resources~



Current buzz for language teaching and learning:

- 4 skills approach to communicative proficiency (intercultural competence!)
- content-based instruction (CBI)
- content through a second language
- higher cognitive levels - more interesting, more challenging
- CoBaLTT project at CARLA
- read/write web - Web 2.0   (collaboration/production)
- social networking tools (21st Century Tools)
- distance learning

Discussion - advantages and challenges
Learning 2.0
Our students

Searching, Evaluating
TrackStar - organizing

Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling  (information page - yellow wiki)

Our favorite tools (there are many others!!):
PBworks (this wiki)
Voki - good for audio production
VoiceThread - good for audio production - a mind-mapping tool
Comiqs - make comic books (site no longer takes accounts)

Additional tools:
Webspiration - like, but with an outlining function
Picnik - great for photo editing
RubiStar - makes rubric creation much easier



CLEAR tools -  audio- and video-based tools

Social Networking Tools

- Facebook groups and Twitter
- Diigo - group bookmarking, sharing, notes on web pages
- Google Docs - collaboration on word processing, slide shows, and spreadsheets
- Tokbox - video chat and email - or Skype (needs a download and install)
- CLEAR Tools - ViewPoint - record audio and video online and share them
- Second Life - 3D world - visit second language places

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