What tools will we use?
Frame description
Media, music, images, video
Map things out ahead of time
Text + visual elements
Organizational structure, of visual, script, charted out
For an Ad: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- identify the two types of advertising;
- explain the AIDA sequence and how it is used in the creation of advertising material;
- develop an original storyboard for a TV advertisement, developing their "company's" intellectual property.
- Teacher to explain the two types of advertising:
- persuasive
- informative
- Class discussion on the elements of advertising campaigns:
- trade marks
- slogans
- jingles etc
- Teacher introduces the AIDA sequence:
A get Attention I develop Interest D develop Desire A take Action - Class to write down definitions and examples of the following:
- persuasive advertising
- informative advertising
- trade marks
- slogans
- jingles
- AIDA sequence
- Class is divided into groups of 4-5 and given the following scenario and task:
- Television is one of the main forms of advertising, although it is expensive.
- Advertisements of 15-30 seconds are filmed from a series of frames within a story (like a cartoon).
- Task: Using the storyboard framework (Attachment 1) and allocated product, design a series of frames which could be used to film a 30 second commercial.
- Students are encouraged to be innovative in the development of their intellectual property, including trade marks, logos, jingles and slogans where appropriate (refer to intellectual property definition in Lesson 1 if necessary).
- Class to work on group activities.
- Next 50 minute lesson, students to give a brief presentation of their group assignment.
- Teacher provides feedback and wrap up of marketing concepts.
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