Friday, August 12, 2011

Google Aps for Education at TIES

is where to find sites.

Google: Organize the world's info and make web universal accessible and usable, also but then organize and make useful.

Today's Hashtag:  #appsct
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Conan clip on technology advances: Everything is amazing.

International Technology Education Conference.

Technology from Conan

Google Aps for Education are like Microsoft Office however free (hit refresh if it freezes)

Google Docs in Plain English

Use Google Docs for creating syllabus, link on Moodle, you can update and then it will always be current.

Common formatting menus.

Google Docs is word-processing online.

Never an excuse for not getting homework done. Always works.

All Google docs requires is Internet access and a browser.

How often your facebook account? Students are on daily.

Chrome and Firefox update frequently so these are best for use.

You can upload your Ppt into a Google Doc, works 80% of the time. You can put the link on, and it can be seen.

Google docs is always the most update version. It updates automatically.

Control access to your documents, choice to invite others. To edit, to view. Turn privacy on and off. If you are the owner, you have complete control.

Visibility settings, managing collaborators, revision history.

No one under the age of 30 uses email now. You don't have to email, do not have to print, all can see without printing and you can use color.

Publish to the web, have them write for purpose, you  can get your students to publish using a link on the internet. Then, they can contact universities with the web address of their work published online. Link to their web address, their web publishing address.

Always check the template gallery. Your organization has its own template gallery. Don't re-invent the wheel.  You can also submit your own template. You can change the categories to curriculum categories.

Identifying Similarities and Differences. Path of least resistance to engage students, seeing themselves engaged in their learning. Toolbox to engage students.
collaborative tool. Also, collaborative planning with other educators.

21st century skill is collaboration. teach them how to do this.

Additional Resources
Links for Teachers:

    * Lesson Plans Using Google Docs
    * Overview for Educators (presentation)
    * Google Docs: The Basics
    * Google Docs: Tips and Tricks
    * Google Docs in Plain English (video), see above
    * Screencast Example  of Peer Editing

Helpful Information for Apps:

    * Docs
    * Spreadsheets
    * Presentation

Insert gadget - does something with the data, such as a word cloud that highlights use of the words

Get the most out of docs!

Forms, like students filling out a form and it ends up as a spreadsheet.
There are collections which are folders.
Have students create a collection with their name on it and share it with you.
Sync sharing with student directory.
Creating a form for videos.
Every question you ask becomes a column, hang mouse over icon and it tells you what it does, question using first name and last name so it can be sorted, add items in upper left-hand corner, variety of questions to be asked, can use branch logic, go to a page based on the answer to a question, like multiple choice, as a review tool for review info if incorrect, use edit button to do specifics for each question, page break, (saved templates), change the theme to make form look great, link on the bottom is where the form lives, how to get the link at the bottom, blue link for form. In docs you have your search engine, you can find your form.

Alternatives to Ning


Publish a google doc

Quick and Easy grading Google Forms

Google sites by Molly from Edina:

Google Sites a free program to create websites free, can be collaborative

WEb designing and hosting, choose a theme, edit a template, customize layout, colors, fonts, & logos

You can have your own classroom website, for each class, link to it.

Organize it and navigation, horizitonal navigation with drop down tabs, attach anything, SMARTnotebook needed to open SMARTnotebook, (but can see it with SMARTexpress), ***

5 clicks is the max, limit clicks

Web presence, manage digital presence, gives you an audience, can do service learning project digitally,

You can embed anything, you update your google doc form and it is always updated on your website
Insert your calendar into your website and you can make it public.

You can upload any type of document from Google docs, including a movie, you can then put it on your google site, insert a video from google docs, you can use your own movies - file size doesn't matter because it is in the cloud, nothing takes up space on the google site,

To do horizontal navigation with drop-downs, go to editing and change navigation.

More actions, general tab, you can delete your site.

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